Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Some days you gotta dance...

I woke up this morning with all these grand intentions of hitting the gym for a cross-training day, and even had the nerve to pack my gym bag and bring it along. 'Cause, you know...if I had the bag in the car, I'd go, right? Right. At least that was the plan. Was going to get my nails and eyebrows done first, hit the gym, then stop for gas, etc. Well, the nails and eyebrows were a must (couldn't continue looking like a werewolf) and I only had a quarter tank of gas so I had to go there. Two out of three ain't bad, right? Since I was at Costco to get gas, the only logical thing to do afterward was hit Road Runner to price the heart rate monitor I had been putting off replacing. Mmmm Hmmm. I walked out of there with the heart rate monitor that I was just "pricing." At least it was on sale and I used my running club discount.

The day wasn't a total loss, though. Sales and feeling pretty make for some very good endorphins. You know, the same I would have gotten if I did go to the gym. Fair exchange, methinks.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...

As an avid fan of The Biggest Loser, I look forward to the marathon episode each season. I've always been impressed and inspired by what those contestants accomplish, but watching it this season was different. Now that I am all about distance running and my healthy lifestyle, for the first time I watched it and said aloud, "I CAN DO THAT." Not only did I say it, but I believed it. I mean, I completed my first half last fall and was training regularly...why not me?

Fast forward to February 11, 2010 - during that wretched blizzard. In a fit of snow induced delirium combined with months of that nagging 'I want to do this' thought, I logged onto the Richmond Marathon's website. But this time was different, I did more than just look around. I went directly to the registration page and did the unthinkable. I registered. Not for the half or the 8k...for the full. 26.2 miles. Almost the equivalent of running from home to work. Oh. Em. Gee. What the hell had I done? What if I can't do it? What if I don't finish? What if I get injured training? What if, what if, what if...was all I could think of. And then the big one came...what if I never even tried? The nerves subsided and I really started to appreciate the adventure I am going to undertake. Sure, I will miss the mark of completing a marathon by my 30th birthday, but it's only by a couple months. I will do this because I can. I will do it to keep distancing myself from that fat girl of 109 pounds ago- I never want to see her again. I will do this for those who can't.

A little less than nine months from today, I will be running the streets of Richmond, Virginia. Running toward a goal that was once impossible that will be in my grasp. And I can't wait.

No one runs in my family.
I am not built like a runner.
My bones aren’t hollow.
My legs aren’t gazelle-like.
As a child, no one ever said,“Now that one… she’s going to be a runner.”
I am not a marathon runner.
But, I know that no one is a marathon runner until they actually run one.
~Nike Ad

On November 13, 2010, I too will be a marathon runner.