Monday, May 24, 2010

Adventures in Cross-Training, aka What Hell Must Feel Like

I'm trying to get better about cross-training and active recovery days, so I've recently been finding ways to mix up my workouts. Enter bikram yoga, also called hot yoga. I've heard fab things about it, and saw a news segment one day where various types of yoga classes where being spotlighted.

OK, what is bikram yoga, you ask? It's a class where a series of poses are performed (in my class, we did 26) in a room set to a temperature of 105 degrees with 40% humidity. For 90 minutes. Sounds fun, right? Right.

I made plans to meet up with a friend yesterday morning for class, against my better judgment. The same can be said about most of my athletic endeavors, but that's a diferent story. Got lost on my way to the studio, but I eventually made it there -barely on time, of course...but there nonetheless - and it was what I'd call stuffy in the reception area. There was still time for me to turn around and run back to the Jeep, I hadn't handed over the check card yet...but I hung around regardless. Got myself signed in and headed into the studio.

Oh Em Gee, I don't think I have ever been anywhere that hot in my life. Seriously, not outside in a hot Maryland summer. Nowhere. It was like I was standing on top of some fire...and I was sitting under a vent. Actually, there were so many vents in the room that I think EVERYONE was sitting under a vent. So, this is what Hell must feel like. Hmm. Anyway, class started and there I went. They say that the only real goal for a newbie should be to stay in the room for the entire 90 minute class, and it's advised to take water or rest breaks when necessary. I based my expectations on that, and didn't try to be a rockstar or anything with the poses. You know how it is, do what you can. And for a first time yoga (of any kind) student, that was as good as it was going to get. I have never sweated so much in MY ENTIRE LIFE. From every pore, down my shins....everywhere. Talk about swamp ass. It was full body swamp action. Thank goodness for the towel, wash cloths, G2 and water. I even had to lose the shirt I wore -it was that serious.

The 90 minutes went by (mostly) painlessly, and I did survive staying in the room. Didn't even do too horribly with all the poses. By no means a pretzel, but standing balanced on one foot with sweaty legs crossed is certainly nothing to sneeze at. Felt good to sweat the ickies out and all those stretches were amazing. Guess there is a symbiotic (?) relationship between my running and the hot yoga...distance running makes me mentally tough enough to push past major discomfort, and yoga will make me a stronger runner. Good deal.

Definitely doing it again; gotta take advantage of that introductory offer. The relaxation doesn't hurt either. Just need to turn into a fish for all the water I will need. Good times.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Running With Sparkle

Just have to show off my fabulous new running bling -or friendship necklace- or cult marking. I love this for so many reasons...the stars and their symbolism for us, the simplicity, the uniqueness...could go on for days. Don't know where I'd be without my ladies.
"We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle." ~ Marilyn Monroe

Monday, May 3, 2010

Red lipstick and smiles make it all worthwhile.

So, the first of the big races of 2010 has come and gone, and it was a-freakin-mazing.

For those not in the know, I have been training with a wonderful group of ladies -a group known as STARS (She Trains And Runs Strong)- of all ages, backgrounds and pace levels for the last 4 months. As a group we spent the winter training for half marathons in the spring, which were run this past weekend and the one before. We get out there in all the crazy weather to train, vent, laugh, and cry...while we shine and show off our fab selves with red lipstick.

After not nearly enough sleep, we met up at the fairgrounds with our fab outfits consisting of STARS shirts and running skirts/shorts, adorned with face tattoos, star-shaped earrings and the all-important red lipstick. Even with a race start time of 6:30 am, we don't skip that. It would just be wrong. Once we had everyone present and accounted for, we all made our way over to the start and were off.

It was definitely warmer than most mornings, but it didn't bother concern was my asthma and the humidity. My goal pace was 11:30/mile, but I wasn't going to flip out if I couldn't keep it. Off I went through the start...and surprisingly enough, my pace at mile 1 was 10:45. Super happy about it, but I also knew that was pretty unreasonable to maintain so I pulled it back to where I could be comfortable and 'run happy." With all of the preparation for heat, I had consumed more fluid than a fish on Saturday and knew that no good could come from that. All was going just peachy until I hit the water stop around mile 4 and knew that I would have to give in and pause for a potty the next time I saw one.

Cue mile 6, where I was lucky for a short wait of about 5 minutes. Not short when you are losing minutes in a race, but much better than the longer lines I'd already passed. Obviously, there was no way I was making up that much time in the last 7 I just kept on running happy and comfortable.

We were pretty lucky during the first half of the run before the sun really came out, but by the time I got between 9 and 10, it was shining pretty hardcore without a bit of shade in sight. Just kept throwing back the water and Powerade (nasty regular fruit punch Powerade, no less) and just kept moving the best I could. By the time I got to mile 11, I had never wanted to stop running so badly in my ENTIRE life...but that was just not happening. That hateful Jillian Michaels quote I like to throw around kept nagging me.

"If you're not puking, fainting, or dying - KEEP GOING!"

I was not puking or fainting, and judging by a heart rate over 180 I wasn't dying, so I kept going. See, when I ran Baltimore last October...I couldn't run the whole thing because of cramps in my legs and feet. My major goal for Frederick was to run the entire thing. I had time goals, but they weren't as important - I just didn't want to walk. And so I didn't. Fueled by Eminem, Metallica, Garbage and Westside Connection...I ran those last 2 miles like someone was chasing me. I made it up that last hill -who puts the finish line up a hill?- and through to the finish line...and I couldn't have been prouder of myself or my teammates who were in various stages of the race around me. We are AWESOME. And, best of all...we all still had our red lipstick on at the end.

Original goal time 2:35:00

Clock time 2:41:22

Chip time 2:38:21 (Probably would have made it if not for the potty, but you gotta do what you gotta do.)