Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In My Next 30 Years...

First things first, you may notice that the upcoming entry will probably not have much to do with running. Why, you ask? That is because I've decided to fashion this blog into a life blog. While running is a huge part of my life, it's not the only thing. And to be honest, I'm just too flippin' lazy to maintain both a training blog and a personal blog. So, here you have it. Besides, "One Foot In Front Of The Other" is just as appropriate for the everyday.

Now that THAT is out of the way, I sit here with a little over 6 hours remaining in my 20s. That's right...when midnight strikes, I will enter a new decade. The big THREE-OH. In the past, I had my fair share of 'almost 30's angst,' but that has faded quite a bit over the last couple of months. The past 29 years have been as much a rollercoaster ride as anyone else's, but I am excited for something new. So, instead of dwelling on the past or what I have/haven't done...I'm preferring to look ahead with excitement for my next 30 (and hopefully, lots more) years for new goals to set, things to try, and a host of new experiences. Here are just a few of my hopes for my next 30 years.

+ Be the wife and mother that my FH and future children deserve. I want our home to be the kind that I can't wait to get to after a day at work; the kind where our kids and their friends can come and hang out while feeling safe and loved. I want a home filled with the kind of love and happiness that can be felt by anyone who comes to visit.

+ Always doing something I am afraid of. Now, this may not be an every day phobia-conquering kind of thing. It could be something small that I have just never had the confidence to try. Anything, really. The point is just never to settle and stay complacent.

+ Continue to keep my body and mind healthy. This includes feeding my body good food, staying physically active, getting rest when I need it, and taking time for me. I am no good to anyone else if I don't properly take care of myself.

+ Boston. Yes, kids. I have a not-so-secret dream of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. At this point, it's probably on the 10 year plan (mostly because the qualifying time goes down as you get older)...but with hard work, I really think I could make it one day. So what if I'm 60 when I do?

+ Keep learning. Even if I never return to school, I want to continue to quench my thirst for knowledge in any way I can. Whether it's taking a photography or yoga class, it's something I didn't know before.

+ Strive to be a better person. Be nice to strangers. Tell my friends and family I love them every chance I get. Live every day like it's my last. Never lose hope. Don't sweat the small stuff. Relax.

Farewell, 29 and not-really-holding...I'm ready to move on. And I can't wait to see what my next 30 years will bring.


April Plummer said...

Great post, Shuntae! I think your goals are doable - realistic but also good for your personal growth. And I know, I KNOW, that you can qualify for the Boston Marathon!

The Murray's said...

=) Love this post Shuntae! You are such an amazing woman, and deserve all this and more! XOXOX

Laurie B said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS!!! Great post! And when you do qualify for the Boston marathon you can stay with me and I'll be there to cheer you on! xoxo

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